Selectivity of particle size by the pink shrimp Farfantepenaeusduorarum.
R. Gelabert, R. Brito. Reviews in Aquaculture 5 (2). 2013.
Optimization of the biodiesel synthesis using crude african palm oil.
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Entropy generation as an environmental impact indicator and a sample application to freshwater ecosystems eutrophication.
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Real-time decentralized neural control for a five dof redundant robot.
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Control of an Industrial PA10-7CE Robot Arm Based on Decentralized Neural Backstepping Approach.
R. Garcia-Hernandez, E. N. Sanchez, J. L. Rullan-Lara, J. A. Ruz-Hernández. Neural processing letters, 38(2). 2013.
Decentralized Neural Backstepping Control Applied to a Robot Manipulator.
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Control of an Industrial PA10-7CE Redundant Robot Using a Decentralized Neural Approach.
R. Garcia-Hernandez,E. N. Sanchez, M. A. Llama,J. A. Ruz-Hernandez. In Computational Intelligence. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 2013
Indoor Localization of a Quadrotor Based on WSN: A Real-Time Application.
J. L. Rullan-Lara, G. Sanahuja, R. Lozano, S. Salazar, R. García-Hernández, J. A. Ruz-Hernández. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Sy, 10(48). 2013.
Young’s modulus estimation based on high symmetry 3-D finite element model for metal matrix composites.
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Synthesis of hybrid compounds apatite–alendronate by reactive milling and effects on the structure and morphology of the apatite phase.
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Novel Technique for Obtaining the Raman Gain Efficiency of Silica Fibers.
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Reflection of high-intensity nanosecond Nd: YAG laser pulses by metals.
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Adaptive Detection of Subpixel Targets With Hypothesis Dependent Background Power.
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Comparative adsorption behavior between phenol and p-nitrophenol by Na-and HDTMA-clinoptilolite-rich tuff.
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A comparative study on reflection of nanosecond Nd-YAG laser pulses in ablation of metals in air and in vacuum.
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Validation of the life satisfaction index for the third age.
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Tropical bacteria isolated from oil-contaminated mangrove soil: Bioremediation by natural attenuation and bioaugmentation.
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Biodegradation of wastewater pollutants by activated sludge coimmobilized with Scenedesmus obliquus.
A. Ruiz–Marín, Y. Canedo–Lopez, S. Campos–García, M. Sabido–Pérez, J. C. Zavala–Loria. Agrociencia. 47 (5). 2013.