Spatial distribution of surgeonfish and parrotfish in the north sector of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System.
R. C. Hernández-Landa, G. Acosta-González, E. Núñez-Lara, J. E. Arias-González. Marine Ecology. 2014
Reducing the energy consumption of an earth–air heat exchanger with a PID control system.
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A Survey of Transportation Problems
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Family and alcohol consumption in university students
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Analysis of the prevalence of scoliosis and associated factors in a population of mexican schoolchildren using sifting techniques
Félix Zurita Ortega, Luis Ruiz Rodríguez,Lorena Zaleta Morales. GACETA MEDICA DE MEXICO. 50 (5). 2014
Estimation of the carbon pool in soil and above-ground biomass within mangrove forests in Southeast Mexico using allometric equations.
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Fourier transform infrared-attenuated total reflectance (FTIR-ATR) spectroscopy and chemometric techniques for the determination of adulteration in petrodiesel/biodiesel blends
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A simple plate-assay for screening extracellular naringinase produced by streptomycetes
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Chiral and non‐chiral p‐wave superconducting states from correlated hopping interactions
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Natural frequency analysis of a marine riser considering multiphase internal flow behavior
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The International Theatre Festival of Habana (FITH) and the Festival of Mexico (fmx): between Place and Placelessness
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Transport properties in the delta-FET transistor.
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Numerical evaluation of a PEM fuel cell with conventional flow fields adapted to tubular plates.
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Study of a Novel Electronics Circuit for Detecting Faults in the IGBT.
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Designing Type-2 Fuzzy Controllers Using Lyapunov Approach for Trajectory Tracking.
R. Farfan-Martinez, J. A. Ruz-Hernández, J. L. Rullan-Lara, W. Torres-Hernández, J. C. Flores-Morales. In Advance Trends in Soft Computing. 2014.
Special Section on Advances in Intelligent Control: Theory and Applications.
A. Y. Alanis, J. Ruz-Hernández. Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing 20(2). 2014.
Decentralized Adaptive Fuzzy Control Applied to a Robot Manipulator.
R. C. Canul, R. Garcia-Hernandez, J. L. Rullan-Lara, M. A. Llama. In Advance Trends in Soft Computing. Springer International Publishing. 2014.
Improvement of FEA estimations for compression behavior of Mg foams based on experimental observations.
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Fast Edge Detection in RGB-D Images.
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Diurnal and seasonal variation of BTEX in the air of Monterrey, Mexico: preliminary study of sources and photochemical ozone pollution.
J. G. Cerón-Bretón, R. M. Cerón-Bretón, J.D.W. Kahl, E. Ramírez-Lara, C. Guarnaccia, C. A. Aguilar-Ucán, C. Montalvo-Romero, F. Anguebes-Franseschi, U. López-Chuken. Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health. 2014.